by Will Yurman
Cindy Wobbe started The Pounding food donation for Florence Food Share 23 years ago. She collected 1283 pounds of food that first year. At this year’s event on Saturday, November 18, she called out, “Ok folks, 17 minutes in and we’re at 2061 pounds.”
The event is named to honor her Pentecostal roots. The community would deliver goods by the pound to help a family in need.
At Saturday’s event, people handed bags out their car window, walked up with a cart full of canned goods, potatoes, frozen turkeys and more or shopped at Grocery Outlet and wheeled out a shopping cart of food for the cause.
Colin Morgan, executive director of Food Share said the event is particularly important near Thanksgiving. Next week will be their busiest of the year he predicted. He expects they will serve over 300 families. A busy week during the rest of the year might see just 40 to 60 by comparison.
Just over an hour in, Wobbe announced a new total. 8492 pounds of food donated.
The need at Food Share is at a record high, he said. They saw a 49% increase in demand in fiscal year 2022-23 over the previous year. And the past few months have broken new records.
By day’s end, The 23rd Pounding collected 18,184 pounds of food and over $11,000 in donations.
Correction: An earlier version of a photo caption incorrectly said that Peace Health matched the donations. Two anonymous donors matched donations. Peace Health supported the
pounding with a $5,000 contribution.
Congratulations to the team of volunteers. Great job!
Fabulous opportunity to help our neighbors. Thanks, Cindy Wobbe for doing this.