Community Resources

Things to do, People to see

I would like to build out a page of links to important resources. Please send me links or contact information for what you value most in our community. This page is definitely a work in progress.

Event Calendars

Links to community event calendars by the Siuslaw Vision

Siuslaw School Board Info

School Board meetings are usually the second Wednesday of each month @ 6 pm. Check their site for more information.

Florence City Council Meetings

City of Florence Council meetings are generally the first and third Mondays of the month at 5:30 p.m. Check their site for more information.

Western Lane Fire and EMS Authority Board Meetings

Board meetings are generally held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. Check their site for more information.

Port of Siuslaw Board Meetings

Port meetings are generally on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Check their site for more information.

Dunes City Council Meetings

Dunes City council meets the first Wednesday of the month with work sessions and the third Wednesday of the month for regular sessions, both beginning at 6 p.m. Check their site for more information.

Mapleton School Board meetings

Mapleton School Board generally meets on the third Wednesday of the month, except July at 6 p.m. Check their site for more information.